The AGA has reacted to the recent House hearing

They are pleased with the direction the talks are heading in

Online gambling is one of the largest industries in the world right now, with hundreds of millions of active members from all over the world generating a huge amount of revenue for everybody: themselves, the online gambling sites, and the governments that collect taxes from the games, whether they’re online poker sites, real money casinos or other online gambling sites.

However, online gambling is a living paradox – as loved as it is, it’s also one of the most banned industries out there. Many countries don’t even want to hear about online gambling, and they’re banning it without question. The United States is a notorious case, as they set out an all out war against several major online poker sites back in April.

But things have been moving forward lately, to everybody’s surprise. American law makers have been trying to push a law that would legalize online gambling once and for all, and it seems like we are closer to achieving this dream than ever before – this Tuesday, a House Subcommitte held a hearing in which many notable members of the political scene, and the online gambling scene, were present and made their thoughts known. People like Al D’Amato (founder of the Poker Players Alliance) spoke out for the good of online gambling, in the hopes that this business would finally be legalized.

The American Gaming Association (or AGA) didn’t fail to express their opinion about the recent hearing. The AGA is an association whose purpose is representing the casino industries in US. They have issued a response in which they express their encouragement for the government officials’ latest move.

Frank Fahrenkopf, CEO and President of the AGA has publicly welcomed the hearings and has expressed his wish that the United States Congress will act in such a way that the consumer’s interests will be protected by the coming online gambling laws, forcing online gambling companies to be responsible towards clients.

The recent hearing, as Fahrenkopf states, has proven that there are millions of US citizens and residents that want to continue playing online gambling games, and putting them on the “other” side of the law would not benefit anybody. The only way to protect their interests is to come up with a fair online gambling law that would create lots of new jobs and tax revenue.