Texas Holdem Poker strategies

By the time you have landed into this article, I guess every one of you must be acquainted with the elite card game, poker. I’m going to make you accustomed to a variation of this game, i.e. Texas Holdem Poker. The game’s all about reading the opponents’ mind and to understand when they have a solid hand and when they are bluffing.  In order to get familiar to the strategies that can be applied in Texas Holdem Poker so as to get an upper hand in the game; all you have to do is to stay tuned during the rest of the article. But there’s a request to the readers (beginners to be precise) that before they proceed to read Texas Holdem intro and basic strategies, they should adhere to the rules corresponding to online casino age limits. It generally states 18 years as the age limit, while few online casinos mention 21 years to be the lower limit as far as age is concerned.

The first and foremost strategy that should be implemented is actually very simple, but very effective, which is usually underestimated by many players. It’s the acquiring the position at the table, which is usually categorized into three zones: early, middle and late. As the zonal name suggests, the player with early position has to have a strong hand in order to bet or even raise the bet value. This is because of the fact that in a game with more than 2 players involved, the player positioned earlier doesn’t have any idea about the successive players, that’s why he has added risks involved in betting. In such cases, the one with late position always gets an edge over the others, as the cards already played by its predecessors gives him vital information about the proceeding of the game.

In order to see yourself win in the game, raising and calling are the two most important & indispensible moves. In fact, raising values offers you an upper hand over calling. Players raise the pot-value whenever they notice that they have a hand strong enough to attract more money into the pot. Apart from this, driving opponents out, drawing hands, free cards, checking opponents’ strength etc can also be done by just raising the pot-value.

Whenever it comes to calling, the call move too involves some motives that actually come out after the player gives raising the value a second thought. In cases where players have drawing hands and wish to see more cards to get the desired pot odds, they go for calling rather than raising. Moreover, when there’s a loss in equity chips (by the pot), calling is preferred. Apart from these, calling actually acts as savior to the ones who fear to get a re-raise by the opponent, as the call restricts the raiser from re-raising.

Card games always refer to losing the same way it refers to winning. In case you see a flop in the game, it’s always advised that you should make a firm move to cut your losses. For example, in a flop situation of K-9-5, you don’t have two Ks, or even a good position to flush, you should prefer getting out of the hand, rather than continuing. You must keep this in mind that potentiality of a strong hand too sinks with flops, i.e. with lesser number of players left.

The next handy strategy that comes up in my mind right now is the Fourth (a.k.a The Turn), and the Fifth Street, a.k.a. the River. The two aforesaid names actually refer to the fourth and the fifth community cards. Now you might ask where your point to use those two community cards is. Well! For your information, the two community cards actually can act as a savior to you before you end up losing everything you have in the pot. The two cards offer you with two probable chances; either to quit the game before you lose more money, or increase your winnings.

I guess that you must have understood the bottom line of the article by now. Well! To help you to make yourself sure about it, it’s restricting yourself before your pot is drained into someone else’s account, because of your weak hand. I hope the strategies and tips induced in this article would help you whenever you get started with Texas Holdem Poker Intro.